
《Any dream will do》-
I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
To see for certain what I thought I knew
Far far away, someone was weeping
But the world was sleeping
Any dream will do

Joseph & Children
I wore my coat, with golden lining
Bright colours shining, wonderful and new
And in the east, the dawn was breaking
And the world was waking
Any dream will do

A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colours faded into darkness
I was left alone

Joseph & Children
May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do 

A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colours faded into darkness
I was left alone

Joseph & Children
May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do

年前的某一天,我帶我媽跑去逛高雄的新光三越跟sogo。在頂樓的海山音樂旁,聽到了這首《any dream will do》。在那一瞬間,好像被電到一般,這首歌就如同一把鑰匙,開啟了被我擱置在角落許久,那另外一個屬於英國回憶的老舊盒子。



《Any dream will do》這首歌到底跟他有什麼關係呢?合唱團有一學期做出了個校園的音樂劇演出。說實在,我一直到最近才去查到那齣音樂劇的全名叫做《JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT》。那時候的我只知道男主角叫joseph,他爸送了他一件七彩的大衣,然後這是一個聖經故事…就這樣而已

這首《Any dream will do》可以說是他的主題曲吧,weep這個單字就是在這首歌學會的:P,好~這不是重點。好朋友有演出,我當然會去捧場囉。雖然沒有辦法從頭到尾的把每一個細節都記下來,但是有幾首歌跟有幾幕的畫面到現在都還清晰的烙印在我腦海中。

除了這首《Any dream will do》之外,另外一首我也記得很清楚的歌是joseph's coat,在我手邊這張原聲帶中是屬於jacob and son的一小段。那時候很佩服他怎麼可以記住這麼多歌詞裡面顏色的單字?如果不是因為請他教我這首歌的話,我大概也不會知道這麼多顏色的單字吧:P 雖然現在還背的出來的屈指可數...


It was red and yellow and green and brown
And scarlet and black and ochre and peach
And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve
And cream and crimson and silver and rose
And azure and lemon and russet and grey
And purple and white and pink and orange




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